Delphi Developer's Guide to XML
Chapter 20 - Applying XSL Transformations

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Use XSLT to convert your XML documents into other formats, including HTML, plain text, and XML, before sending them out to the user.

StyleView.dpr   A utility for applying XSL transformations to XML documents using Microsoft's DOM
   The main viewer form
movie-watcher.xml   The XML document to be manipulated
movie-watcher.dtd   Its DTD
movie-watcher-mono.xsl   A monolithic XSLT stylesheet to display the XML as HTML
movie-watcher-tmplt.xsl   A template-based version of the preceeding XSLT stylesheet
movie-watcher-csv.xsl   An XSLT stylesheet to display the XML as comma-separated values
movie-watcher-rtf.xsl   An XSLT stylesheet to display the XML as a rich-text formatted document

This project requires the MSXML package from Microsoft.

Zipped Files

Delphi Developer's Guide to XML © 2003, Keith Wood Previous   Next   Listings